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Programming Arduino





Arduino boards Nano

The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328P; offers the same connectivity and specs of the UNO board in a smaller form factor. (Arduino Nano 3.x).



The technical specifications of the Arduino Nano board are as follows:
  • Microcontroller ATmega328
  • Operating Voltage (logic level): 5 V
  • Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12 V
  • Input Voltage (limits): 6-20 V
  • Digital I/O Pins : 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
  • Analog Input Pins: 8
  • DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
  • Flash Memory 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 2 KB used by bootloader
  • SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
  • EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
  • Clock Speed: 16 MHz
  • Dimensions: 0.73" x 1.70"

Powering the Arduino Nano
The Arduino Nano can be powered via the Mini-B USB connection, 6-20V unregulated external power supply (pin 30), or 5V regulated external power supply (pin 27). The power source is automatically selected to the highest voltage source.

If you want to program your Arduino Nano while offline you need to install the Arduino Desktop IDE To connect the Arduino Nano to your computer, you'll need a Mini-B USB cable.

Most Nano boards use FTDI chips for USB interface. This uses the same FTDI drivers supplied with Arduino IDE.
However some use the WCH type CH340G chip and require a different driver. If you have this type of Nano, the USB chip on the underside of the board will be long and narrow, and marked WCH CH340G. You need to install a different USB driver for these.
CH340G driver (CH341SER.EXE)

The Arduino programming language is a simplified version of C/C++. If you know C, programming the Arduino will be familiar. If you do not know C, no need to worry as only a few commands are needed to perform useful functions.
Programming Arduino